December 10, 2021
Join our students for a day of independent reading and tweeting fun!
Follow the official hashtag on Twitter #gsrat21 to see and respond to reading challenges.
Follow the official hashtag on Twitter #gsrat21 to see and respond to reading challenges.
Check out a couple of our challenges from past events and the student responses.
You can also do a full Twitter search for #gsrat19 #gsrat18, #gsrat17, #gsrat2017, #gsrat16 and #psepmsread
to see the challenges and responses from our past five events.
The official hashtag for our upcoming event is #gsrat21
You can also do a full Twitter search for #gsrat19 #gsrat18, #gsrat17, #gsrat2017, #gsrat16 and #psepmsread
to see the challenges and responses from our past five events.
The official hashtag for our upcoming event is #gsrat21